3 Thanksgiving Debates that Don’t Revolve Around Politics

Gravy and stuffing aren’t the only things that might leave you with heartburn this holiday season. Couple politics with family gatherings and you’ve got a real recipe for disaster. Rather than wage war with your family this Thanksgiving, here are three non-political debates to help keep the peace around your dining room table.
- “Frozen II or Ford v. Ferrari?” Pick a movie, any movie. Nothing engages people more than talking about the line-up of holiday films hitting theaters this month. Whether it’s an action flick, a rom-com or animated fairytale, everyone will have an opinion about the best movie to see after some Black Friday shopping.
- “Turkey or stuffing?” As with politics, everyone has strong opinions about their favorite Thanksgiving dish. Potatoes or cranberries? Pumpkin or pecan? The combinations are endless. Just one word of caution: be careful not to offend the chef unless you are up for hosting the next holiday gathering!
- “Prescription drugs or primary care physician?” Sure, health care isn’t as much fun as movies or food, but this time of year it’s a discussion that shouldn’t be ignored. And it doesn’t have to involve politics. Open enrollment season – the time of year when you can make changes to your health care benefits – is upon us. But rather than slug through the complexities of finding an insurance plan that best matches your needs alone, visit eHealthinsurance.com to shop plans, use helpful tools, compare pricing, talk to health insurance advocates and get enrolled. Doing so now will more quickly get you back to the things that really matter this season – holiday parties, shopping and family (probably in that order).
There is plenty to discuss at the Thanksgiving table this season so long as you know the topics that will solicit friendly banter verses those that will be met with hostile resistance. So before you carve the turkey, come up with a list of debate questions to keep your family and holiday season on track!