Few Health Insurance Consumers Believe "Medicare for All" Would Be Implemented, According to eHealth Survey

eHealth survey finds broad support for government action to reduce the cost of prescription drugs

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Nov. 12, 2019 -- Results of a survey released today by eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH) (eHealth.com) show that while strong majorities of consumers support proposals to lower the cost of prescription drugs, Americans are sharply split on "Medicare for all" proposals and on whether such proposals might ever become reality.

48% consider "Medicare for all" unlikely to be implemented.

Highlights from eHealth survey include the following:

  • Many doubt "Medicare for all" would be implemented. If a candidate supporting "Medicare for all" is elected as president in 2020, fewer than one third (31%) think it likely that such a program would be implemented; 48% consider it unlikely.
  • Most support government action to lower drug costs: 87% of respondents support government initiatives to negotiate directly with drug makers, while 74% support government initiatives to import drugs from outside the United States.
  • Some consumers are already buying lower-cost drugs from outside the U.S.: 21% of ACA plan enrollees with an income between $75,000 and $100,000 have purchased drugs from outside the country in order to save money.

Read the full report.

eHealth's findings are compiled from voluntary surveys of consumers who purchased Medicare plans or individual and family plans compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through eHealth. Surveys were conducted in October 2019 and a total of 1,860 responses were received.

About eHealth
eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH) owns eHealth.com, a leading private online health insurance exchange where individuals, families and small businesses can compare health insurance products from brand-name insurers side by side and purchase and enroll in coverage online and over the phone. eHealth offers thousands of individual, family and small business health plans underwritten by many of the nation's leading health insurance companies. eHealth (through its subsidiaries) is licensed to sell health insurance in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. eHealth also offers educational resources, exceptional telephonic support, and powerful online and pharmacy-based tools to help Medicare beneficiaries navigate Medicare health insurance options, choose the right plan and enroll in select plans online or over the phone through Medicare.com (www.Medicare.com), eHealthMedicare.com (www.eHealthMedicare.com), GoMedigap (www.goMedigap.com) and PlanPrescriber.com (www.PlanPrescriber.com).

For media inquiries, please contact:          

Sande Drew  
DMA Communications for eHealth, Inc.
(916) 207-7674

Lisa Zamosky
Senior Director Communications, eHealth, Inc.
(917) 751-0232