eHealth Appoints John D. Desser Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs

Former Senior Official From Health and Human Services to Represent Company's Public Policy and Consumer Advocacy Initiatives

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 08/25/08 -- eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH), the leadingonline source of health insurance for individuals, families and smallbusinesses, announced today the appointment of John D. Desser as VicePresident of Public Policy and Government Affairs. Mr. Desser will provideinsight and expertise on healthcare reform to policy makers in Washington,D.C., and to think tanks and other influencers, leveraging eHealth's strongunderstanding of the individual health insurance market. Mr. Desser will beattending and participating in the 2008 Democratic National Convention and2008 Republican National Convention.

"With the upcoming election, our next President and Congress will have anopportunity to take meaningful action in addressing the problem of thiscountry's uninsured," said Gary Lauer, Chief Executive Officer of eHealth."eHealth has gained tremendous insights in its eleven years of deliveringinnovation and in helping many uninsured Americans find quality andaffordable health insurance. John will play a critical role in sharing ourinsights and experience, and in contributing to the national discussionabout healthcare."

"More than ever before, our nation is unified in its call for a healthcaresolution. Elected officials and private industry must come together todevelop a bipartisan solution that empowers consumers and deliversaffordability, accessibility and efficiency," said Desser. "I'm excited tojoin an organization that is taking an innovative approach to these issuesand is making a difference everyday by delivering more affordable healthinsurance for all Americans."

Mr. Desser brings over 17 years of experience in healthcare policy inWashington D.C. to eHealth. Prior to joining eHealth, Mr. Desser held theposition of Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Policy in the Office ofthe Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services. While working in the Health andHuman Services Department, Mr. Desser was selected by Secretary Michael O.Leavitt to lead the Administration's priority of "Affordable Choices," akey initiative to extend basic, affordable health insurance to theuninsured. Before joining the Health and Human Services Department, Mr.Desser served as Vice President and manager of the healthcare practice atJefferson Government Relations, LLC. In 2003, Mr. Desser also played a keyrole in the design, drafting and legislative strategy leading to theenactment of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Mr. Desser also served as alegislative assistant to then-U.S. Representative Jon Kyl, now a U.S.Senator from Arizona and the Republican Whip. Mr. Desser began his careerin Washington in 1990, as a health policy aide to the senior senator fromArizona, U.S. Senator John McCain.

About eHealth

eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH) is the parent company of eHealthInsurance, thenation's leading online source of health insurance for individuals,families and small businesses. Through the company's website,, consumers can get quotes from leading healthinsurance carriers, compare plans side by side, and apply for and purchasehealth insurance. eHealthInsurance offers thousands of health plansunderwritten by more than 180 of the nation's leading health insurancecompanies. eHealthInsurance is licensed to sell health insurance in all 50states and the District of Columbia. eHealthInsurance and eHealth areregistered trademarks of eHealthInsurance Services, Inc.

For more information, please contact:

Brian Mast
Director of Public Relations
eHealth, Inc.
Email Contact
office: (650) 210-3149
cell: (415) 609-8494