eHealth, Inc. CTO Sheldon Wang Named One of IDG Computerworld's Premier 100 IT Leaders for 2009
Exemplary Leader Combines Technical Expertise and Business Acumen to Overcome Complex Challenges
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 12/10/08 -- eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH), parentcompany of eHealthInsuranceServices, Inc., today announced that IDG's Computerworld has selectedSheldon Wang, eHealth Inc.'s Executive Vice President and Chief TechnologyOfficer for Computerworld's Premier 100 IT Leaders for 2009 Awards Program.
Computerworld's Premier 100 IT Leaders Awards Program honors executives whoshow exemplary technology leadership in resolving pressing businessproblems. Honorees demonstrate the ability to foster creativity andchallenging work environments, envision fresh approaches to businesschallenges and effectively manage IT investments.
This year's recipients were selected from over 1,000 nominees who weremeasured against Computerworld's IT Leadership Index, a set ofcharacteristics that describes executives who guide the effective use of ITin their organizations, and evaluated by the editors and by a panel ofoutside judges. The candidates were asked about a range of topics,including their backgrounds, work experiences, special accomplishments andleadership styles. In its nomination, Computerworld highlighted Mr. Wang'sopen-source strategy for driving the efficient development and operationsof eHealth's online e-commerce site,
"Sheldon is, first and foremost, a brilliant businessman with the uniqueability to apply business strategy to the application of informationtechnology," said Gary Lauer, president and CEO of eHealth, Inc. "Throughour consumer web site,, we've made it easy forconsumers to browse through over 10,000 health insurance plans from morethan 180 companies, and apply for the coverage they need in a simple,single online session.
Lauer continued, "Sheldon's leadership and vision have helped eHealthtransform the complex process of researching and purchasing healthinsurance into a straightforward, web-based information exchange. Throughcontinuous and aggressive innovation, he and his team have continued torefine and improve the user experience at withcomparison shopping tools, online application processing and new featureslike eApproval. This technology leadership has helped eHealth expand accessto affordable, high-quality health insurance for millions of Americans."
"The professionals honored as Computerworld's Premier 100 IT Leaders for2009, and by extension the organizations they represent, are clearly changeagents," said Scot Finnie, editor-in-chief, Computerworld. "They are whatwe call 'breakaway IT leaders.' They tend to ignore well-worn lines ofdemarcation between business and consumer technology; they deploy whatworks rather than what's politically safe. But they're also politicallysavvy when it comes to presenting their ideas and winning over topexecutives."
About eHealth, Inc.:
eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH) is the parent company of eHealthInsurance, thenation's leading online source of health insurance for individuals,families and small businesses. Through the company's website,, consumers can get quotes from leadinghealth insurance carriers, compare plans side by side, and apply for andpurchase health insurance. eHealthInsurance offers thousands of healthplans underwritten by more than 180 of the nation's health insurancecompanies. eHealthInsurance is licensed to sell health insurance in all 50states and the District of Columbia. eHealthInsurance and eHealth areregistered trademarks of eHealthInsurance Services, Inc.
About Computerworld
Computerworld is the leading source of technology news and information forIT influencers worldwide. Computerworld's award-winning Web site(, weekly publication, focused conference series andcustom research form the hub of the world's largest (40+ edition) global ITmedia network. In the past five years alone, Computerworld has won morethan 100 awards, including Folio Magazine's 2006 Gold EDDIE Award for thebest technology/computing magazine, the 2004 and 2006 Magazine of the YearAward, and 2006 Best Overall Web Publication from the American Society ofBusiness Publication Editors (ASBPE). In addition, in 2007 Computerworld'sthen editor-in-chief Don Tennant received the prestigious Timothy WhiteAward from American Business Media. Computerworld leads the industry withan online audience of over 2 million unique, monthly visitors and a printaudience of 1,222,000 readers each week (IntelliQuest CIMS Spring 2007).
About International Data Group (IDG)
International Data Group (IDG) is the world's leading technology media,events, and research company. IDG's online network includes more than 450Web sites spanning business technology, consumer technology, digitalentertainment, and video games worldwide. IDG publishes more than 300magazines and newspapers in 85 countries including CIO, CSO, Computerworld,GamePro, InfoWorld, Macworld, Network World, and PC World. IDG'slead-generation service, IDG Connect, matches technology companies with anaudience of engaged, high-quality IT professionals, influencers, anddecision makers.
IDG is a leading producer of more than 750 technology-related eventsincluding Macworld Conference & Expo, LinuxWorld Conference & Expo,Entertainment for All Expo (E for All), DEMO, and IDC Directions. IDC, asubsidiary of IDG, is the premier global provider of market intelligence,advisory services, and events. Over 900 IDC analysts in more than 90countries provide global, regional, and local expertise on technology andindustry opportunities and trends.
Additional information about IDG, a privately held company, is available Note: All product and company names are trademarks of theirrespective companies.
For more information, please contact:
Brian Mast
Director of Public Relations
eHealth, Inc.
Nate Purpura
Sr. Public Relations Manager
eHealth, Inc.