Summer Vacation: Travel Insurance Tips From eHealthInsurance

Travel Insurance Now Available on Mobile for On-the-Go Access

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA -- (Marketwire) -- 08/06/09 -- Today, eHealthInsurance (NASDAQ: EHTH),the leading online source of health insurance forindividuals, families and small businesses, provided advice for consumersdebating whether or not to purchase travel insurance before taking a tripoutside the United States this summer.

As a travel insurance retailer, on its mobile site ( andthrough its customer care center (toll-free 1-800-977-8860),eHealthInsurance answers questions about travel insurance on a daily basis.eHealthInsurance recommends that consumers review the following tips beforethey decide to make a travel insurance purchase.

1. Understand how travel insurance supports your existing health coverage:Once you leave North America, your regular health insurance company maycover fewer services than they cover in the United States. Health insurancepolicies differ, so it's a good idea to call your insurer and find what'scovered if you get injured in a foreign country. Find out if they'll coverlong-term hospitalization costs for illnesses or injuries that prevent youfrom flying home to receive care.

2. Speak the language: If you purchase Atlas Travel Insurance, the agents at Atlas offer translation services inapproximately 200 languages. If you're traveling to a country where Englishis not the official language, its wise to be fluent in the native tongue ifyou're going to opt out of travel insurance. A good travel insuranceprovider will have agents fluent in the language of your destinationcountry and be able to converse with your insurance company and the medicalstaff providing your care to bridge the gaps between languages and timezones.

3. Have a plan for covering "up front" costs: If you're in another county,you may need to pay for your medical costs out of your own pocket, and thensubmit a claim to your insurance company and await re-imbursement. If youdon't have a credit card with a high limit, or some other form of cashreadily available to cover up-front costs, travel insurance will coverthose costs. The basic coverage plan offered when you research travelinsurance from eHealth on your mobile phone, comes with a $2,500deductible. But, plans are available with deductibles starting at $0.

4. Evaluate your itinerary: The cost to cover a bad case of food poisoningor the flu can be enough to justify the cost of travel insurance, but ifyour vacation only includes fine dining and bird watching, you may not needto add a sports rider to your package. But, if you're going to go bungeejumping, ride a zip line, or even do a little snow skiing while you're onvacation, adding a sports rider to your travel insurance plan is not a badidea.

5. Be cautious when traveling with children: If you sustain an injury orillness while you're traveling with minor children, a good travel insurancepolicy will cover the cost to fly your children home in the event that yourmedical crisis prevents you from returning home with them.

For consumers looking to purchase travel insurance on the go -- even whilethey are in airport awaiting their flight -- they can access five plansfrom their mobile computing devices at or at on astandard computer.

eHealthInsurance offers Atlas Travel Insurance products from MultiNationalUnderwriters on its mobile web site at and througheHealthInsurance Service's customer care center (Toll-free 1-800-977-8860).Plans start at $14.70 for $50,000 of coverage.

The maximum amount of coverage available is a one million dollar policythat starts at $26.55. All policies on the site are quoted for a 15-daytravel period, a $2,500 deductible and without an optional sports rider.But, consumers have the option to select their own travel period and achoice of deductibles; $0, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 and the $2,500 default.

About eHealth, Inc.:

eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH) is the parent company of eHealthInsurance, thenation's leading online source of health insurance for individuals,families and small businesses. Through the company's website,, consumers can get quotes from leading health insurance carriers, compareplans side by side, and apply for and purchase health insurance.eHealthInsurance offers thousands of health plans underwritten by more than180 of the nation's leading health insurance companies. eHealthInsurance islicensed to sell health insurance in all 50 states and the District ofColumbia. Through its eCommerce On-Demand solution (eOD),, eHealth is also a leading provider of on-demande-commerce software services. eHealth's eOD platform provides a suite ofhosted solutions that enable health plan providers and resellers to marketand distribute products online. eHealth's eCommerce On-Demand solution iscurrently available to health plan providers in all 50 states and theDistrict of Columbia. eHealthInsurance and eHealth are registeredtrademarks of eHealthInsurance Services, Inc.

For more information, please contact:

Nate Purpura
eHealth, Inc.
650-210-3336 - office
805-215-3336- mobile

Kris Kraves
Cogenta Public Relations
805-527-7733 - direct