What’s Sexier Than Ever This Valentine’s Day? Health Insurance! eHealth Survey: The Sex Appeal of Health Insurance Rebounds
The science remains shaky, but the people have spoken: “I’m insured” is a solid pick-up line this Valentine’s Day
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA – February 13, 2016 – The sex appeal of health insurance is on the rise, just in time for Valentine’s Day, according to a report published today by eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH), the nation’s first and largest private online health insurance exchange. The latest results from eHealth’s annual online survey on the sex appeal of health insurance finds that 98% of women and 94% of men are more attracted to a first date if they know the other person has health insurance.
Hope for the Dateless and Uninsured
The 2016 open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act officially ended on January 31, two weeks before Valentine’s Day. People who find themselves insured but dateless heading into Valentine’s Day weekend will be encouraged by the results of the latest eHealth study.
eHealth surveyed over 400 eHealth customers who purchased health insurance on February 10, 2016 and February 11, 2016 and found that 98% of women and 94% of men felt that having health insurance would increase the attractiveness of a potential mate on a first date.
The Sex Appeal of Health Insurance Rebounds
The sex appeal of health insurance rebounded sharply in 2016, following steady decline from 2011 to 2015.
93% in 2011: In 2011, 90% of college students and recent graduates said they would be more attracted to a potential mate if he or she had health insurance1, according to a study sponsored by eHealth.
65% in 2014: By 2014, only 65% of eHealth customers responding to an email survey said they would find a potential mate more attractive if they knew he or she was insured2.
49% in 2015: In January of 2015, a mere 49% of eHealth customers responding to an email survey said they would find a potential mate more attractive if he or she was insured3.
96% in 2016: In February of 2016, a whopping 96% of eHealth customers said they would find a potential mate more attractive if they knew he or she was insured – again, responding to an email survey.
What Makes Health Insurance Sexy?
Could the resurgence in the sex appeal of health insurance point to a change in attitude about personal responsibility and accountability? There appears to be ample evidence to support the idea.
In 2016, Match.com’s annual Singles in America Study4 found that things like grammar and self-confidence have as much to do with attraction as physical attributes. Similar reports from previous years support the idea that responsibility and accountability are attractive qualities in a partner.
In eHealth’s new study, 70% of women who said men with health insurance were more attractive listed the man’s level of responsibility as their number one reason.
Similarly, 68% of men in the eHealth study said they’d be more attracted to a woman with health insurance for the same reason: it’s a sign of financial responsibility.
A January 2015 study from Citi Double Cash credit card5 found that 78% of adults in a committed relationship said they’d prefer a partner who is good with money over one who is physically attractive.
A January 2015 study from AARP6 found that 85% of Americans age 45 or older have not gone on a romantic getaway for the last 2 years, with cost being one of the primary reasons why.
The 2014 Stress in America survey7 conducted by the American Psychological Association found that almost a third of adults with partners (31%) reported that money is a major source of conflict in their relationship.
1 For more information, see eHealth’s July 7, 2011 press release.
2 For more information, see eHealth’s June 23, 2014 press release.
3 Survey was conducted by email among over 890 eHealth customers who bought their health insurance in January and February of 2015. Not all respondents completed the survey.
4 Singles in America, http://www.singlesinamerica.com/ .
5A February 5, 2015 study from the Citi Double Cash Card: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20150205005105/en/Love-Money-Americans-Prefer-Financially-Savvy-Partner#.VNpzVmR4o6c.
6 AARP Travel Research: Romantic Travel, December 2014: http://www.aarp.org/about-aarp/press-center/info-01-2015/romantic-getaways.html.
7 Full report and methodology available at stressinamerica.org.
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eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ: EHTH) owns eHealth.com, the nation's first and largest private health insurance exchange where individuals, families and small businesses can compare health insurance products from leading insurers side by side and purchase and enroll in coverage online. eHealth offers thousands of individual, family and small business health plans underwritten by many of the nation's leading health insurance companies. eHealth (through its subsidiaries) is licensed to sell health insurance in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. eHealth also offers educational resources and powerful online and pharmacy-based tools to help Medicare beneficiaries navigate Medicare health insurance options, choose the right plan and enroll in select plans online through PlanPrescriber.com (www.PlanPrescriber.com), eHealthMedicare.com (www.eHealthMedicare.com) and Medicare.com (www.Medicare.com).
For more health insurance news and information, visit the eHealth consumer blog: Get Smart - Get Covered or visit eHealth's Consumer Resource Center.